How to Take the Perfect Holiday Photo

These Tips will Help You Take the Perfect Holiday Snap!

There’s no better feeling than packing your suitcase and then jetting off or hitting the road for that idyllic holiday that you’ve saved up all year for. And capturing those perfect moments on your trip is the best way to make that holiday feeling last, long after you come back. Here are some top tips on creating those fantastic photos that take you right back to those wonderful summers.

Holiday Photos Benefit from Shooting at the Right Time

While you can grab a great photo at any time of day. There are certain windows when the light is at its best for photography. The ‘golden hours’ are said to be the best time, when the light is at its most picturesque.

These times are the hour after the sun comes up and an hour before the sun goes down. If you’re not an early bird on your holidays, the latter time might be the best window to attempt your best shots. It’s not just about the light either. Grabbing an image of that perfect sunset or sunrise is a must when in a paradise location.

Golden Hour Photos

Light, Reflections and Shadows Boost Your Holiday Photos

Ensure to bear in mind where the sun is in relation to your photo. Ideally, you’d want the sun behind you when taking your picture, the natural light source bringing a glow to the scene. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take backlit photos, as these can be ideal if you want to create a silhouette or a halo effect. These can be great for social media and especially Instagram.

Look out for reflections on surfaces of water or glass, as these can make for great photos. Shadows can also bring a new perspective to a photo. Experiment with all of these and you are more likely to find that perfect shot.

Volume, Volume, Volume

In this day and age there is no reason to take just one picture of any scene. Take a whole range of pictures. Some can be staged and others just natural. With a large number of images, you are much more likely to find that ideal shot. And you might find that the perfect pic isn’t one that you expected. With digital photography you can snap away to your hearts content and then simply delete a whole swathe of images quickly and easily.

Holiday snaps with filters

Tech: Know the Basics of Your Camera (or Phone)

While taking pictures is more accessible than ever, it can pay to have a full understanding of exactly how your camera works. Your camera might be on your smartphone, so ensure you go through the different menus and options you have. You might uncover a mode or a setting that works perfectly for the images you want to take. If you have invested in a standalone camera, it is worth playing around with it and learning exactly how it works to make the most of its capabilities.

Great Holiday Snaps Use Unique Angles and Perspectives

There are certain holiday landmarks that have been photographed a million times – examples being the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Instead of just adding another similar image to your own collection, make it more personal. Maybe get a close-up of a certain part of a landmark and pick up on a detail that wouldn’t be seen on the wider ‘standard’ picture. These images will be more likely to bring the memories flooding back.

Use Props for Your Pics

Nothing states ‘holiday photo’ than a couple holding a pair of cocktails served in halves of coconuts. Using props such as these can bring a picture to life and help to tell a story. If you’re going surfing, use the surfboard as a prop. If you’re lounging in the sun, get those reflective shades on. If you’re picnicking in the sun, have the picnic basket in the picture.

Snaps with reflections

Make Use of Filters

Unfortunately, we can’t all be professional photographers. While the purists might frown on using a pre-determined filter for your picture, many social media apps have these as standard, and they can make your photo stand out. If you have a picture you like, but it doesn’t quite hit the mark, try various filters and it might just turn an image you have from a discardable one to one you treasure. Great for amateur photographers.

Candid Photos

While staged photos certainly will feature in your holiday portfolio, candid pictures can and usually are the most treasured ones in your collection. These can be best captured when taking a picture at a random time, especially if you are quick on the trigger. When taking staged photos, maybe grab a pic before the countdown to have a more candid and fun image of a scene.

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